Pointers to Review

Half an our past eleven, I found myself itching to digest words again, as if I hadn’t spent the whole day finishing a book which included more “Chemistry of Emotions” and “thought experiments” than I can remember.
An hour past eleven, I found myself trying to spit everything out.
If there ever were a literal meaning of from 0-100 real quick in my life, it would be the month of February to me. It had been too full; too exciting; and too eventful, that now as I look back at it, I’m thinking, dude, what just happened? Because as eye-roll-worthy as it sounds, everything was too quick and heavy and good to be true. It’s quite hard to believe that I entered the month with uncertain drum rolls and left it with complete compositions.
I can barely recall everything—the parties, the shootings, the getaway, the campaign and the rest of the moments I spent with the people who matter a lot in my life—and rightnow I’m totally thinking about doing another diary, but I’m also totally thinking about how pathetic that can be, so I’ll settle on stripping literal experiences down to figurative pointers in life.

l  Life is ultimately hard.
l  School is important. But it’s not easy. (Both not easy to prioritize and not easy to accept.)
l  But it also gets better.
l  You’ll know when it’s your time for a break.
l  You’ll have more fun when you unload.
l  Doing a time check regularly is essential.
l  There are right songs for moments. You’ve got to be the one who picks them out.
l  Because music is so good and...
l  “Maybe music won’t hold my hand; but it’ll cry with me and that’s all I really need.”
l  Rushed decisions are so risky and stupid and crazy but fun and real and true and worth it.
l  Rushed decisions are what can make you stand on your own feet sometimes.
l  Believing is so easy.
l  Trusting is not.
l  Being truthful is so easy.
l  Caring enough to what others would feel after is not.
l  It’s nice to get the calm before the storm most of the time. (It doesn’t make a lotta sense but you understand—that resting before an upcoming and an expected battle is 99% the best thing to do.)
l  The ocean is beautiful.
l  The same way families are. (Most especially mine.)
l  A lot would say it’s better to watch the actual scene than watch it through a screen and I agree. I may have taken some memories to immortalize, but I’m pretty sure I’ve got more in my head than in my phone.
l  Life is beautiful.
l  No matter how bad the shape of your schedule is, remember that you can work it out. And God will let you work it out.
l  Being brave is a choice.
l  You’ll never know until you’re there.
l  It’s not just about keeping your word; it’s about living up to it.
l  Truth reveals its way slowly in the end.
l  Everybody gets a nice takeaway from life.
l  It’s not about winning or losing.
l  It never will be.
l  Life is about being conscious enough to know what you’ve done wrong and accepting it and transforming it to become better.
l  It’s okay to be sorry.
l  I am.
l  And it doesn’t make me weak at all.
l  People learn.

l  We all have to.


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